17 days until we leave for our much needed vacation. We've had it planned since last year and I am getting so, soooo excited. Saturday my cousin is getting married, Lexi is the flower girl, Sunday I am taking my husband to the Guggenheim museum. (Did I mention my mom and sisters are going to watch the girls, so we'll be alone? on a date!!!) Then we head to the campground about 45 minutes away from Hershey, PA , where my family will be waiting. Then it's a whole week of relaxing. well and going to Hershey park, Lancaster and who knows where else. I am hoping we spend a lot of time just relaxing around the campground.
The only thing I am not looking forward to is the 12-13 hour trip up there. Luckily we have a portable DVD player from our last crazy trip up to Maine. The kids aren't quite ready for PS3 Players or gamboys or anything, but hopefully we'll keep them entertained somehow. Caylee is still rear facing, and our dvd players only has one screen so I hope that doesn't make her mad. Maybe we will turn Lexi around too.
Either way. 17 days and counting. I can't wait!
How to Take Care of Your Pet While Traveling
4 years ago