oh! I forgot...

A couple weeks ago Eugene and I were walking around the mall and there was a table infront of Sears to sign up to win two free photo sheets and photo session. So me, being silly decided to sign up- I never win anything but I sign up for a lot of stuff- who doesn't want to win?! Anyway, friday night we were at a tail gate party and they called me and guess what? I WON!!! So Lexi is going to have her picture taken next Tuesday. Unfortunatly because of our lack of money we wont be able to buy any more pictures than the two sheets, so we'll probably be selfish and just get ourselves pictures and not share. HE HE... yah, I'm a winner!


Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

Yay! Winning is so much fun! I signed up at a table in the mall this past weekend to win a free car or $60,000. Maybe I'll win that! :-D I would buy Lexi so much! (And Livi... and pay off loans... maybe there'd be enough left over for a cheaper car?)