Jessica Renee, I believe you have found your calling - those are GORGEOUS pictures! Can I hire you? We've never taken Livi to a professional photographer before. Well, one came to church and took a 8x10 of the whole fam, but we don't have any of Livi as cute as those of Lexi!
I am striving to love and honor God, He loves me so much he gave His son's life so that I might live, the least I can do is try to please him with my life. I'm married to the best best man in the world! I also have two daughters who I think are the cutest girls ever, and a little boy who is amazing.
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Jessica Renee, I believe you have found your calling - those are GORGEOUS pictures! Can I hire you? We've never taken Livi to a professional photographer before. Well, one came to church and took a 8x10 of the whole fam, but we don't have any of Livi as cute as those of Lexi!
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