
My cousin showed me this article and I thought I would share it with you guys. I might be a little confused but last time I checked the Easter Bunny was NOT Christian. It started from some pagan worship rituals, people serving their gods- nothing to do with Christ or Christianity! wake up world, if anything, the Easter Bunny is ANTI CHRIST.


Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

The Easter Bunny was actually originally used to represent fertility gods, wasn't it? So that should still be allowed in schools... as long as they put condoms in the Easter baskets. :-P

Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

Wow, what a memory. :-) I don't even remember who I had for OT... wait, no, it was Sandy. Dr. Sandy? Something like that. :-D I didn't remember that about dressing up in new clothes, but the name Ishtar was familiar... and I knew the part about fertility and bunnies! I'm almost as smart as Stacy. :-D

Jes said...

I'm only slightly smart... all i remembered was it was from pagan rituals. LOL. as are most of our holiday traditions.