Free tooth whitening

My husband and I have been wanting to whiten our teeth for years now. Ever since we saw the first whitening strip on a store shelf. However, with our limited budget we were unable to purchase the whitening kits. I thought we were destined to have yellow teeth forever.
Then I saw it. The cheapest (free for us) way to whiten your teeth that actually works. here's how you do it.
  1. get baking soda
  2. get peroxide (normal 3%)
  3. mix the two with a q-tip until it's like paste
  4. use the q-tip to apply the paste to your teeth.
  5. wait as long as you can, (no more than 20 minutes, I wait 10, my husband waits 5)
  6. Make sure you don't swallow the mixture
  7. Spit, then use your tooth brush and any remaining paste to brush.
  8. Rinse (i often brush with a normal toothpaste after this because I can't stand the taste left in my mouth.)
  9. then stare at your teeth, admire their whiteness!
Sure, it's not as convenient as other tooth whitening products, but it's a lot cheaper and it works for me!


Amy said...

Wow! I will have to try that. I would rather make my own and know what's in it than have all the chemicals.

Mommy-fied said...

Thanks for sharing. I've been thinking of whitening my teeth recently. Believe it or not I just noticed how yellow my teeth has become (yikes! all that coffee over the years!).

Jes said...

yah, Coffee has been doing that to me too! I didn't realize how yellow they were until I whitened them!

Peggie said...

Thanks Jessica! I used to do this when I was younger and forgot all about it. Guess I will go back to it. It also kills germs and bacteria on the gum line.

Heather aka The Momma said...

I am so going to try this! Thanks for sharing!

Reighnie said...

I hadn't thought about whitening my teeth but this seems so simple I'll give it a shot.


Terry F. said...

I just heard of this method today. As a smoker and coffee drinker...well, let's just say that I can't wait to get home and try this!

Gary said...

Sounds great, How much baking soda and how much peroxide please?

Doylestown Teeth Whitening said...

thank you for sharing this post about the best techniques for teeth whitening, this is a big help for me and to the others as well on how the proper teeth care should be. thanks again

Allentown Teeth Whitening said...

Your post is pretty useful for the dental community. Thanks for taking the time and effort.

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